Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Music video Analysis - Taylor Swift - Love story


The style and length of editing straight cuts and quick to show the interaction between the two characters or one watching the other. There are a few jump cuts to show that it is a different scene and to continue the narrative of the music video. It’s a romance story between the boy and girl it’s a typical boy/girl next door storyline and they like each other so the content is full of young people with hormones and emotions for the opposite sex also it is very much school/ college orientated. The costumes are young colourful in fashion and mainstream clothing jeans t-shirt also at the prom its ball gowns and suits a common thing its very much mainstream and not too over the top. There was 4 locations, her bedroom, on the street, on a football pitch and in a prom hall these where to help the video present a story to the audience but it went well with the lyrics because it’s a schoolgirl crush which can be related to this is why she done it in what would be a school life where school children would see the people they have a crush on this is done purely so people can relate to it and win popularity because the audience think there just like her. There are a lot of close ups of the face to show that the two main characters desire each other and shot reverse shots to show dialogue between them the close ups show the girls features and makes the audience attracted or want to be/look like her. There are three characters the two main ones are the boy and girl that like each other and the third is the boy’s girlfriend. The whole video is well lit never dark giving the effect that it is light hearted and that there is good and no bad no dark feelings it’s all positive. There are lots of different colours all together there is no particular colour it’s all fused sometimes there are multicoloured things which shows the youthful/artistic side. Also she wears a white dress to show calmness and purity while the other girl wears a red dress which shows anger and danger this was used well to show who the boy should choose in the end the girl with the white dress the star.

1 comment:

  1. TEACHER COMMENT: You have analysed how the media language is used to create a narrative, consider your own video narrative and how you can use similar media language to convey meaning to your audience.
