Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Music video analysis - Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana


Style and length of editing was straight cuts to show the star but at different angles so it didn’t get boring and the audience and they could have different takes on the star and the band. There also were a few jump cuts to show the supposed Diana who the star is singing about and it goes in slow motion to make the audience think who is that is that who the star is singing about and make the audience want to know who it is to watch the music video further and with interest, there was number of props in the video like guitars microphones lights cars all things associated with a rock star showing that the star has this lifestyle also the costume and make up have extreme hair styles that are really different and stands out and the colour is black to be unique from the rest this is a generic convention of a rock artist/band with black leather clothes which the band members have however the main star does not have extreme hair that is different and black and black leather jackets showing that he is not a rock artist just doing a one off rock song. The locations there are only two of the artist on stage live in a concert showing the good life of superstardom on concert with the crowd loving the artist. There was also a couple of long shots and medium shots showing the crowd worshiping the artist making others want to like the artist but predominantly most of the shot were on the artist mainly consisting of close ups to put the main focus on the star so everybody knows and remembers the star for the most recognition although when the guitarist has a solo the a long shot is on the guitarist showing that he has a part to play in the video. There are dark colours in this video mainly black which is the colour associated with rock music showing that it is a rock song/video. the lights are on the star always to show that he is the main event the main attraction he is the star and all the attention should be on him the lights are very powerful and are staging lights for a stage so this helps create the effect because this is the ideal location to show all the attention is on one person on a stage with the stage lights shining down on you.

Music video Analysis - Taylor Swift - Love story


The style and length of editing straight cuts and quick to show the interaction between the two characters or one watching the other. There are a few jump cuts to show that it is a different scene and to continue the narrative of the music video. It’s a romance story between the boy and girl it’s a typical boy/girl next door storyline and they like each other so the content is full of young people with hormones and emotions for the opposite sex also it is very much school/ college orientated. The costumes are young colourful in fashion and mainstream clothing jeans t-shirt also at the prom its ball gowns and suits a common thing its very much mainstream and not too over the top. There was 4 locations, her bedroom, on the street, on a football pitch and in a prom hall these where to help the video present a story to the audience but it went well with the lyrics because it’s a schoolgirl crush which can be related to this is why she done it in what would be a school life where school children would see the people they have a crush on this is done purely so people can relate to it and win popularity because the audience think there just like her. There are a lot of close ups of the face to show that the two main characters desire each other and shot reverse shots to show dialogue between them the close ups show the girls features and makes the audience attracted or want to be/look like her. There are three characters the two main ones are the boy and girl that like each other and the third is the boy’s girlfriend. The whole video is well lit never dark giving the effect that it is light hearted and that there is good and no bad no dark feelings it’s all positive. There are lots of different colours all together there is no particular colour it’s all fused sometimes there are multicoloured things which shows the youthful/artistic side. Also she wears a white dress to show calmness and purity while the other girl wears a red dress which shows anger and danger this was used well to show who the boy should choose in the end the girl with the white dress the star.

Kate Nash video analysis - Pumkin soup

Star development

Kate Nash was brought up in North West London and was interested in music from an early age. She learned how to play the piano and the guitar. She was interested in performing arts and went for an audition until she had an accident and could not attend she was stuck indoors so her mother bought a guitar and Kate Nash improved her song writing , made new songs, finished other ones off and booked gigs in her local town pub to show her talents.
Kate Nash first got recognized by uploading her music on to blogging site MySpace where she had many fans that would log in and listen to her music she then picked up a manager then she found producers for her first album there was a limited amount of copies exactly 1000 but due to demand another 1000 were sold this album was only available on vinyl. One song on this album was released and received on mtv2 airplay. A year later she signed to fiction records and was touted by the media as one of the worst albums it was received with mixed feelings but ended up being number 1 in the charts the song that helped this was foundations a number 1. Late she performed in many festivals heightening her popularity and image even further from her number one single and album, and also made a appearances on TV in 2007. By the end of the year she released some more singles off her album pumpkin soup and merry happy these were met with a mixed reception again but made the top 40 chart. Since late 2007 Kate Nash has been out of the headlines and news she has been going quietly about her business but there is talk of her new album she says she is being influenced by a number of artist and her new album may feature a more punk orientated sound this is all the media and the public have to look forward to from Kate Nash it is expected in 2010.

Lyric Analysis

Kate Nash lyrics in foundations are used to relate to the audience and this will help build up a relationship between the artist and the audience. Also I believe Kate Nash goes along with Richard dyers theory because even though she is a big star in the spotlight her lyrics are refreshingly ordinary and this again helps the audience build up a relationship with Kate Nash because they think Kate Nash is one of them a regular working class girl one example that showed this was ‘’ then u will call me a bitch then everyone will be embarrassed and I won’t give a sh*t. The normal class can relate to this because they argue with their partners and because it is in a cockney voice and there are swear words in it shows it would even be the lower working class that have lower standards to the higher class that would not sound or use this type of language this is why so many of the public liked this song because it united the star and the audience not distanced them. It also shows us that she is very open about her emotions and life with the audience she is showing what she is like she s using her life experiences and putting them into her lyrics and music.
Thursday night, everything's fine, except you've got that look in your eye
when I'm tellin' a story and you find it boring,
you're thinking of something to say.
You'll go along with it then drop it and humiliate me in front of our friends.

Then I'll use that voice that you find annoyin' and say something like
"yeah, intelligent input, darlin', why don't you just have another beer then?"

Then you'll call me a bitch
and everyone we're with will be embarrassed,
and I wont give a shit.

My fingertips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and I know that I should let go,
but I can't.
And every time we fight I know it's not right,
every time that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

You said I must eat so many lemons
'cause I am so bitter.
I said
"I'd rather be with your friends mate 'cause they are much fitter."

Yes, it was childish and you got aggressive,
and I must admit that I was a bit scared,
but it gives me thrills to wind you up.

My fingertips are holding on to the cracks in our foundation,
and I know that I should let go,
but I can't.
And every time we fight I know it's not right,
every time that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

Your face is pasty 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a surprise.
Don't want to look at your face 'cause it's makin' me sick.
You've gone and got sick on my trainers,
I only got these yesterday.
Oh, my gosh, I cannot be bothered with this.

Well, I'll leave you there 'till the mornin',
and I purposely wont turn the heating on
and dear God, I hope I'm not stuck with this one.

My fingertips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and I know that I should let go,
but I can't.
And every time we fight I know it's not right,
every time that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

And every time we fight I know it's not right,
every time that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

The nicest thing
In this song is it targeted at females because it has a lot of emotion in the words and what is said and this is generally and stereotypically associated with females rather than male but we know it is targeted at females to share the same emotion or viewpoint is because of the lyric ‘’ I wish I was your favourite girl I wish you thought i was the reason you are in the world’’ the lyrics are spoken to a boy and girls can relate to this. The age group that would really understand where she is coming from is 14-26 because that is where girls are most active in relationships and because this is the case this has to be the age group again it shows that Kate Nash puts her own life and own experiences into her music she shares things with her audience this is why she is so popular.
All I know is that you're so nice,
You're the nicest thing I've seen.
I wish that we could give it a go,
See if we could be something.

I wish I was your favourite girl,
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world.
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile,
I wish the way I dressed was your favourite kind of style.

I wish you couldn't figure me out,
But you always wanna know what I was about.
I wish you'd hold my hand when I was upset,
I wish you'd never forget the look on my face when we first met.

I wish you had a favourite beauty spot that you loved secretly,
'Cos it was on a hidden bit that nobody else could see.
Basically, I wish that you loved me,
I wish that you needed me,
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three.

I wish that without me your heart would break,
Yeah, I wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake.
I wish that without me you couldn't eat,
Yeah, I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep.

But, all i know is that you're the nicest thing I've ever seen;
And I wish that we could see if we could be something
Yeah, I wish we could see if we could be something

Reseach into artist - subcultures values and beliefs

The term "indie" traditionally refers to independent art -- music, film, literature or anything that fits under the broad banner of culture -- created outside of the mainstream and without corporate financing.
In music, for example, the term refers to music produced and funded by any band or label not affiliated with the four or five major corporate labels like Sony or Epic. The same holds true generally for the music and film industry.
Kate Nash is part of the indie sub-culture it is a sub-culture because it is not part of the mainstream like RnB or Pop however it is growing in popularity however it is considered mainstream within youths because how popular it has got with youths. The values and beliefs of the sub-culture indie is that it is superior to be different and not follow the mainstream, also the do it yourself theme because it is more appreciated, and shows authenticity and originality. The indie culture value things than are done independently and by artist and see it as a piece of art also peculiar things that contest against the mainstream.
Some believe the indie culture has evolved from the hippie culture because of the similar values, beliefs, ideologies and traits in the 1960’s.

Target Audience

Kate Nash's target audience would consist of
• female
• 16 – 24
• English spoken language preferably Londoners
• People who want to be different
• Independent people away from the mainstream
• Emotional people

Kate Nash’s target audience are Londoners preferably cockney from the way she uses her accent in her songs she doesn’t hide the fact that she is a Londoner. They are also the working class with a half finished burger in a box just laying in her house on the table in her foundations video but also the people in relationships that are social because she talks about friends gathering and alcohol. The age of her target audience is around 16 – 24 because she talks about love and romance also alcohol and she also swears her language is sometimes inappropriate for anyone let alone kids. Her target audience’s ideology is that she is they just want to be happy in life and express their feelings without holding them back and they are also bright and quirky just like the colours in Kate Nash’s videos. This is the image they are attracted to because it shows they are not the same as everybody else they want to be bright and stand out and be different also she is very realistic in her music she does not glitter things up she explains things how they really are the bare truth no matter how rude it is her these are the people who have the same mind set who are her target audience and have an interest in her music however the majority are more females because she sings from a female perspective and she sings about emotions and feelings and love and females relate to this more than males.

Research into Genre - Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga’s style consists of very revealing clothes of an abstract and alternative nature, which encourages voyeurism. She wears bright stand out clothes which is as far from the mainstream as possible to attract fans and overall attention. Lady Gaga follows her own fashion trend and is defiantly a trend setter. Apart from the lack of clothing or the alternative style of clothing she uses alternative accessories such as bows in her hair or sunglasses at night. Also to enhance her look also her hair which is really bright this attracts the audience and is set in styles to grab the audience’s attention.

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta March 28, 1986 is an American singer/songwriter. Is part of the pop culture embracing voyeurism and but shows signs of the indie culture through her image because of how abstract her style image is, however her music reflects more dance music in types of genre.
Lady Gaga signed up with an Imprint of Interscope Records called Streamline Records after being discovered from performances in the rock music scene in New York. In her early she wrote songs for fellow label artists and this is where Akon discovered her vocal talent and signed her to his own Record label Kon Live Distribution. Kon Live Distribution is a independent record label.
Lady Gaga’s has a keen interest in fashion and believes in artistic forms and wants to be able to make successful music for the public while also inspiring and creating new fashion styles.

Research into Genre - Lady Gaga video analysis


Research into Genre - Pixie Lott

Pixie Lott’s style and star image consist of a range of different styles however she wears her bright colours that are wacky which draw attention. She also wears bangles as an accessory to her overall look. Another accessory Pixie likes is the headband also she goes for the smart casual look which consists of a dress with and alternative blazer over the top. Pixie’s star image is crucial to her because if she does not look good and refreshing the crowd would not be attracted to her they would be interested in the new fresh look of other stars. However Pixie has gained so much success she is a trend setter which means what she wears her fan base and the audience will think this is the right thing to wear because it is in fashion because Pixie Lott is wearing it.

Pixie Lott born Victoria Louise Lott 12 January 1991 is a young female English actress, dancer and singer-songwriter. She started off young by starring in west end shows such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Sound of Music.
After seeing her talent L.A Reid signed her up to Island def jam records however due to a change in management there was confusion where she would end up this created two record labels fighting for her talent, Pixie Lott signed for Mercury Records which is based in the UK and Interscope Records which is based in the US.
Pixie belongs to the pop culture and she may flirt with the indie culture also because of her alternative twist on her image and the sound of her music however she is contracted to two record labels owned by major record label UMG even though she produces mainstream music. Pixies values because of her age mainly consist of going out to social events enjoying herself and experiencing good times and travelling the world.

Research into Genre - Pixie Lott video analysis


Music Channel - MTV Dance

MTV Dance

Mtv dance is part of Mtv Networks Europe which is one section out of the network of the different Mtv music channels its sister channels being Mtv Base, Mtv Hits, and Mtv Rocks
The visual imagery you see on this music channel is a good range very bright colours, and young people that are having a good time partying/performing. However we see a lot of dance music so there are a lot of concept videos of people having a good time and partying and enjoying themselves.
This is the current logo for Mtv Dance as it is part of the Mtv Networks Europe group it has the same logo as everyone else the top white half however the sister channels have the lower half relevant to their name and have a different colour this one being dance with the colour purple. The simplicity of the black and white top half shows that is very simple and open to everyone because black and white are neutral colours however the colour purple brings the creative side to things and keeps things bright and colourful which grabs the attention of the audience.

Mtv Dance has not got any main presenters presenting any shows however there are three presenters giving the audience news updates these are Laura Whitmore, Rickie Haywood Williams and Melvin Odoom. Mtv Digs is presented by these three hosts where gossip is shared with the audience, banter between the presenters and appearances from celebrities.
The visual imagery on Mtv Dance which is likely to expect is voyeurism with dance routines and mostly concept videos with people partying and having a good time. The visual imagery is dominated by females because this is what attracts the male gender to the channel and also the female gender because they want to aspire to the females on TV.

Music channels - Programming

MTV Dance Programming
The 10 Biggest Tracks Right Now – Countdown of the top 10 essential tracks that are big in new music right now!

Big Tunes! – Classic anthems or new dance floor smashes

MTV Club X – Lose yourself inside MTV Club X's late night music mix!

AM Rush – The hottest tunes to get you started in the morning!

The 10 Biggest Tracks Right Now – Count down the top 10 essential tracks that are big in new music right now!

Big Tunes! – Classic anthems or new dance floor smashes

The Dance floor Chart – Countdown the 10 most popular chart hits and pre-releases, as voted for by you on our website.

Big Tunes! – Classic anthems or new dance floor smashes

The 10 Biggest Tracks Right Now
We count down the top 10 essential tracks that are big in new music right now!
Big Tunes! – Classic anthems or new dance floor smashes

MTV Club Classix – Ultimate dance compilation non-stop anthems from the old school to the new!

The Dance floor Chart – Countdown the 10 most popular chart hits and pre-releases, as voted for by you on our website.

Oblivion – This is your ultimate playlist - mayhem guaranteed

Record Labels

In this sector there are two different types major and independent, these two different types of record labels rival each other and fight for the rights for artists. Recently recording artist tend to rely on the major record labels to broaden their audience market their music be promoted on radio and TV in a positive light because the major record labels have a bigger budget and have more to spend on these rather than the independent artists. Major record labels are narrowed down to a ‘’ top four’’ these top four labels consist of
• Warner music group
• Sony music entertainment
• Universal music group
These big four major record labels control about 70% of the world music market and about 80% of the US music market, and are in control of what are called a music group which usually has non music outlets as well for example sound recording and distributors.
An imprint is a brand or trademark not a company it is a division or a specific sector in a major record label for example my artist is in an imprint called fiction music for indie artist and its larger company is called Polydor.
Record companies out of the control of the big four are often considered to be independent labels where the term ‘’ indie ‘’ comes from, most consider indie labels to be defined by them releasing non-mainstream music
A label sets up a contract with the artist to advertise the artists work in return for royalties on the sales of the songs. For inexperienced recording artists the label will be involved in recording session’s song choice selecting producers and other things however for experienced artists the label will be less involved.
As technology has improved over the years more independent labels are becoming more common and are able to be more successful examples of this technology are home studios, the internet, and various different recording equipment. These independent labels are often artist owned and do not have the budgets available to them as the major labels do this results in the independent labels having smaller costs but have higher royalties because they independent labels pay out up to 70% royalty payments from sales whereas the majors only pay out 10% from sales.
My artist is in the indie genre and this genre benefits from the major record labels however because my artist already has a good reputation and a good audience and recognition a major record label is not needed and the costs the major labels use is not needed so it will be an independent label because of lower production costs and still the artistic creativity of the artist on the video.



Censorship is the process whereby governing bodies can stop the publication of a text or product.
Censorship can stop a music video from being broadcasted on radio or on TV.
There are many different types of censorship
• Self censorship – Some artists choose to censor even if governing bodies do not because they do not want negative publicity
• Moral censorship – The block of immoral material which is determined it is not approved to be seen for example nude material and sexual content
• Lyrical censorship – The removal or change of lyrics that are not viable for the public because they are obscene
• Political censorship – the removal or block of content that will try to defuse or prevent an influence on the public against the government or royal hierarchy

Development of star image Britney Spears

1992 - Britney was in the limelight from a young age as a performer on Disney’s the new Mickey Mouse club from the age of 11. Britney was seen as a young wholesome child that was innocent and had a great future ahead of her.

1997 – Saw Britney signed to jive records after impressing on recording a solo demo she kept her wholesome image from the Mickey Mouse years through jus normal clothing not explicitly excessive and with her natural blondAlign Lefte hair.

1998/9 – Number one hit baby one more time on the billboard 100 and debut album sold over more than 10 million copies and got credited with diamond status also winning multiple awards and a favourite with the public audience. This is where Britney’s career took off and she was portrayed as a naive 18 year old coming into fame the white shows her innocence.

2000 – Second album was released which too gained diamond status this is where Britney’s image started to change with the growing popularity and demand for her there was, there was flashes of Britney breaking away from the innocent and pure look to more provocative clothes and slightly more make up being used however Britney still had the innocence in the public’s eyes.

2001 – Saw Britney performing for the VMA’s in barely any clothing a stark contrast to her image in earlier years it seems Britney wanted to dump her wholesome image and go for the raunchy and dangerous one. Britney also angered animal rights protestors by having a snake on stage and a caged tiger with protestors claiming the animals were treated wrongly. As we can see in the picture makeup and hair have been changed to give Britney her new look while the lack of clothing emphasises her small hips and flat stomach which encourages the opposite sex to have an interest in her.

2003 – Britney performed again at an awards ceremony and she is in a white dress however this white dress signifies the change from the previous this time it is a low cut top to show cleavage and a very short bottom half of the dress showing her thighs and just coming beneath her posterior. Britney has fully changed from the sweet young girl that was once known now she is seen in a new light a sexy young woman oozing sex appeal.

2006 – Britney has become a mother by now and a wife and she dresses more maturely and not too dull but not too stimulating she has found the balance right. The heavy make-up and work on the hair is still evident but she has come accustomed to her responsibilities of being a wife and a mother so she has to look like one in the media and public.

2007 – In front of thousands live and millions watching on TV Britney performs in next to nothing, a black bra and underwear and in the centre almost to signify she is out doing the females around her with the least amount of clothing on. She is showing off her athletic figure which attracts male attention and has other females envious.

2009/10 – Album Circus released makes number one with singles also making number one, Britney tries to go back to the innocent sweet looking girl but also wants to carry a seductiveness about her this is shown through the white colour of clothing and the pose and colours but the hair and makeup make her more appealing.